Are Indian parents open to special needs adoption?

No, Indians are not at all open for special needs adoption. The search for a perfect healthy kid hinders the people in general to come forward for such adoption. There is also stigma associated with disabilities in our country.

Though time has changed and more people are coming forward for special need adoption, but still the count within the country is very low.

Factors that hamper the decision making process. 

There are quite a lot factor hampering the decision and very less supporting it:

1) Family ideologies.

2) Societal pressure and attitude.

3) Adoption as an option only for couples who can’t have their biological kids.

4) Lack of awareness and overall mentality.

5) Ignorance about disability.

Elaborate on mindsets, myths associated with special needs adoption

The common mindset of people is that, this is hardest task one can imagine. Due to lack of awareness all special need kids fall under same category for people. Most of the people wouldn’t consider it as they find it complicated & expensive to raise these kids.


All kids with special need are alike and they have no point of getting into mainstream.

The kid would be just a liability, emotional as well as financial.

These kids cannot support you in any manner as they will always be dependent on you.

While none of these mindsets or myths hold true!!

My message:- Try to focus on abilities rather than disability. Many people will tell you about the things your kid won’t be able to do but nobody knows their capabilities to accomplish something in their life.


Posted by Kavita Baluni



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