Growing up I knew I was different from the other kids in my class, says Dipika Sasikumar
Adopt Padme, , Uncategorized, 1
Dipika Sasi Kumar 1.How is it being an adult and sharing...
A Simple Wish
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Straight from the heart. Watch Maya cherishing her favorite line in the book, ‘A Simple Wish’, with her Mom...
Opening your heart and mind to adopting children with special needs, older children, or siblings
Adopt Padme, , Uncategorized, 0
India can be a land of contrasts in almost everything and adoption is no different. At any point of...
The quickest way to avoid the nine-month wait to bring your child home
Adopt Padme, , Uncategorized, 0
Now that the clickbait headline has brought you here, want to hear something really very sad? According to...
Setting the context for counselling and process in adoption
Adopt Padme, , Uncategorized, 0
The earlier articles highlight the various aspects and nuances on adoption; including the formation of family systems in India,...
Shades of Adoption
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Some years ago, while I was waiting for my freshly ground coffee to be packed, I met our old...
Adoption through a young adoptee’s eyes
Abraham Karimpanal, , Uncategorized, 12
Being an adopted kid is no different from being a biological kid. I have the same emotions, fears, likes,...
Questions related to the pandemic and its impact in the adoption space.
Adopt Padme, , Uncategorized, 0
Dr. Alomo Lobo: Adoption Expert Do you think the orphanages and adoption agencies have enough funds and resources to...